Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Activist criticizes John Kei’s arrest, calls it out of proportion
Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) coordinator Neta S Pane criticized the arrest of John Kei, saying that it was not proportional.

“Deploying around 100 detectives to make an arrest is already questionable. Let alone shooting someone who hadn’t put up a fight,” Neta told The Jakarta Post on Tuesday.
He said the police should have been able to make a preliminary assessment of the situation where they were about to make the arrest.

“Firm measures must be taken and those who have shot their firearms should be able to come with better answers or they should end up being punished,” he said.

The statement was made to respond Jakarta Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Rikwanto earlier statement that he recalled no procedure violations during the arrest.
“The arrest was done in line with existing procedure. John was shot because he resisted police during the arrest,” he said.

John Kei had earlier told media that he had not resisted before police shot him in the leg.

John Kei, widely known as one of Jakarta’s gang leaders, was shot in the leg by the police during an arrest made in a hotel in Pulomas, East Jakarta.

John has been accused of being involved in the murder of businessman Tan Hari Tantono last month.

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